Facts About Locusts (A Bug That Can Actually Poison You)

Locusts are small, winged insects in the family Acrididae that can molt their skin to change colors. They are known for eating just about anything – plants, grass, fruit, trees even animals like birds and squirrels.

What is a Locust?

A locust is a type of bug that can actually poison you. These insects are typically found in warm climates, and can cause major agricultural damage if not controlled. While they may seem like mere nuisances, locusts can be deadly if ingested in large quantities. Read on to learn more about these pests and how to protect yourself from their poisonous bites.

History of the Locust

The name “locust” is from the Latin word for a grasshopper. The true locust is a member of the family Acrididae. The eastern migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, is the most well-known species. It is a large brown or black insect that can reach lengths of about 1.5 inches (4 cm). The western migratory locust, L. minimus, is smaller and has a reddish-brown coloration.

The true locust is native to areas in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It was introduced to North America in 1868 and began to spread throughout the continent. The eastern migratory locust was accidentally introduced to Australia in 1914 and has since begun to colonize much of the country.

The locust can cause significant damage to crops and trees. It feeds on grasses and other vegetation, which results in the destruction of crops or forests. In addition, the locust can form huge swarms that can cause widespread destruction.

How Do Locust Work?

Locusts are insects that can be found all over the world. They are known for their ability to fly long distances and their eating habits. There are many different types of locusts, but the most common is the grasshopper.

Locusts use their wings to fly. They can also hop or run. When they need to move quickly, they can jump.

Interesting Facts about Locust

Did you know that locusts are native to Africa? They migrate across the Mediterranean Sea each year in search of new grasslands.

Locusts can fly up to 50 miles per hour and can cover more than 10,000 feet in just a few minutes!

The adults eat plants, while the baby locusts feed on cereal grains.

Different Types of Locusts

There are many different types of locusts, each with its own unique characteristics. Here’s a look at some of the most common types:

The Blue Locust is the most common type of locust in North America. It is a large, blue-green insect that can reach up to 2 feet in length.

The African Locust is the largest type of locust in the world. It can grow to be up to 6 feet long and weigh as much as a small pig.

The Oriental Locust is the smallest type of locust and only averages around 1 foot in length. It is found throughout parts of Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe.

Are Locust dangerous to Human?

Locusts can be dangerous to humans. They can produce a protein toxin that can cause food poisoning. The toxin is released when the locusts feed on certain plants.

How to Avoid Being Poisoned by a Locust

Locusts can be a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous. Here are some facts about locusts that you may not know:

1. Locusts are a type of bug.
2. Locusts can sting you and cause an allergic reaction.
3. Locusts can feed on grass, plants, and other insects.
4. Locusts can cause food poisoning if they eat contaminated food.


Locusts are a pest that can be a real nuisance, but they can also cause some serious damage to crops. In this article, we’ll cover some of the key facts about locusts and how to avoid being poisoned by them. We’ll also provide some tips on how to deal with locust infestations if they do occur. So whether you’re looking to learn more about one of your favorite pests or just want to stay safe while outdoors, read on!

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